摘要: 本文通过逐步的分析计算,对常用平板太阳能集热器的支架进行了强度校核,详细列明了总荷载的计算方法,强度、挠度的计算过程,有助于设计人员运用此方法进行相关的分析。 Abstract: in this paper, through analysis and calculation, support heat exchanger on the common flat plate solar collectors were strength checking
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摘要:本文通过逐步的分析计算,对常用平板太阳能集热器的支架进行了强度校核,详细列明了总荷载的计算方法,强度、挠度的计算过程,有助于设计人员运用此方法进行相关的分析。 Abstract:in this paper, through analysis and calculation, support heat exchanger on the common flat plate solar collectors were strength checking