Solar Roof uses two types of tiles—solar and non-solar. Looking at the roof from street level, the tiles look the same. Customers can select how many solar tiles they need based on their home''s electricity consumption. For example, households that charge an electric vehicle every day may want more solar tiles on their roof.
特斯拉此前宣布在美国加利福尼亚州推出虚拟电站计划,利用其太阳能发电屋顶Solar Roof以及储能电站Powerwall,在白天收集太阳能,用户不需要用电时,将闲置电量输送给电网。 特斯拉BIPV业务将重新振作? Solar Roof可以说是户用光伏屋顶的先驱性产品,它在2016年首次亮相,彼时,特斯拉CEO埃隆•马斯克曾放下豪言,声称会将屋顶光